Wednesday, August 18, 2010

True of False? Wired says" The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet"

True or False? is it true that the web is dead? long live the internet? what is going to happen to net neutrality- the debate continues. and featured in Wired Magazine today was an article dedicated to tackling this ongoing debate.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

No need for Validating Twitter- it speaks for itself!

As months have past since i created my first twitter account for my NYU course under @hilanyu, i have to say there's no longer a need for validating twitter or justifying tweets- it speaks for itself!

i think people who are wary of the medium, and just don't get it, fail to understand because they haven't really tried, explored, and understood what it's all about...

take a stab at it, and when you do shoot me a tweet @hilaraz

Monday, December 21, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My New Photography Portfolio

Alas my dream has come true i am buying a new beautiful digital camera i have been waiting for, for nearly 2.5 years since studying photography in Florence.

My 1976 Pentax 35MM SLR suficed, but with little time for developing film, and no time for darkroom printing sessions, i am embracing the notion of going digital--- for the most part, though i still love BW photograhy and hold film close to my heart.

After a friend recently asked me to take his headshots as he enters the comedy world, i decided its time to also make a website for my travel photography and the thousands of photographs i have shot in the last 5 years waiting to be seen.

After getting referenced to Deviant ART i liked what i saw and vwwalllaaa my new photography portfolio website:

Please feel free to contact me with questions:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dwell in Possibility: Technology Future Unfolds

Life & Watchitoo Update:

It has been an ridiculously long time since i have posted a new update about exciting critical voices in social activism or new happenings in my life. the reason being, even if it isn't a good one, is that i have been swamped with the transition of the Watchitoo public launch as we came out of private beta on july 20th- and my blogging has been consumed by managing and launching the Watchitoo Blogs: and the initial beta blogspot BLOG at and our twitter accounts. (you can follow @watchitoo, @watchitooteam, and my personal account@hilaraz)

In addition, I moved out of NYU-ville (AKA my east village hood around 6th and 1st ave) to the new post-grad mecca: Kipps Bay-Murray hill and i've been adapting to the new neighborhood alongside the full-time working life (which has become rather routine at this point).

A lot of new exciting tech developments with real-time trends, content sharing solutions, VOD online, and personal broadcasting which has become rather common through livestreaming- has made the innovative web 2.0 sphere a dynamic environment to be part of.

The explosion of twitter in the news/pop culture in the past few months, alongside significant changes in facebook's functionality and platform (changing status updates, buying friendster, offering twitter like tagging, and huffington post connect), the huge pick-up of UStream, has really driven home the message youtube pioneered of individuals being their own social media creators and drivers of real-time content consumption. journalism isn't a hierarchical walled profession anymore often bloggers/tweets are reporting breaking worldwide news before key reporters cover it or even generating content that gets picked up by the masses themselves. The Iran elecitions proved how social media can be leveraged to spread news and network like never before- facebook and twitter gave voice to a people who were silenced by their government but embraced by a world online- in a world where global collaboration is necessary.

through the realms of technology, civil society has opened its eyes and slowly started to recognize global issues/concerns making use of platforms & tools which can service social activism initiatives and empower individuals. After hearing Dan Bricklin recently speak at the NY Tech Mt-Up i am certain there is little to be known about where the impact of technology will take us. There's no way to no for certain what lies in the future, but future technology will certainly surpass all expectations, as the creation of computers, the introduction of the WWB, social media revolution, and his small creation of the VisiCalc what we now know as the excell spreadsheet, have proven thus far.

Cheers to emily dickensons words of wisdom: "dwell in possibility"

I am awaiting to see what lies in the tech road ahead.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Twitter Revolution

With rapidly changing trending topics,twitter has changed daily news.

millions tweeted about the#iranelection, #michaljackson, #harry potter and now others are using it as a marketing platform or in this case as a publication route

The way information now gets circulated and published has changed forever thanks to the twitter revolution.

Today the first book in history is even being published on twitter "The French Revolution" by matt stewart perhaps a new trending topic will surface #frrev

Click here
for links to the mashable article

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SYTYCD is back season 5

i have to say after being an avid SYTYCD fan for over 3 seasons at least- i did buy ebay ticktets last year for the tour, for a much higher price than face value so i could take my roomates for their birthdays to the prudential center and watch twitch josh & katie in real life (and yes despite them being non-dancers they like many have become addicted to the brilliance of the show- only facilitated by weekly sitdowns of repetative playbacks of our favorite dances thanks to DVR:)

But after being a huge travis fan initailly who sadly lost to benji, then following last season intensely down to the final three until joshua finally won, i definitely have high expectations for this season. I feel the technique of the dancers is starting at a high point as expectations for the show bringing in quality talent has only risen. Howevr i must say as expectations rise for the dancers they do so as well for the choreographers, and what audiences are expecting to see. I don't want to hear generic pop music from celine dion & beyonce. I want more of once soundtracks & mia michaels flawless selections.

Let's step it up season 5- the expectations are high!